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Join our virtual open week event

Southport and Ormskirk hospitals are welcoming the local community to join their first ever virtual Open Hospital event.

Launching on Monday 5 October, the event replaces the usual annual open day.  Sadly the usual event had to be cancelled due to ongoing Covid restrictions.

The Open Hospital event will be online only, a series of videos will be shared from the Trust’s website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The videos, all filmed in the last month, give an insight into:

  • Older people’s care
  • Covid-19 care in ITU
  • What therapists do to help people get back on their feet
  • What it is like to have a hip replacement
  • Life as a porter
  • Therapy dogs


Trish Armstrong Child explains: “We were a disappointed to cancel our annual open day as it is a great opportunity for us to meet local people who use our services. We hope these specially-commissioned videos show that we’re open for business and working safely for patients, even in these challenging times.

“There should be something interesting for everyone, so we hope you catch as many of the videos as possible.”

Videos will be shared from the Trust’s website and social pages from Monday 5 October:

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