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Overseas visitors

If you are visiting the United Kingdom and require treatment at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, you may have to pay for your treatment.
This page gives you more details about treatment for overseas visitors.

Resident of the UK?

NHS hospital treatment is not free for everyone. Anyone of any nationality who is not ordinarily resident in the UK at the time of treatment is an “overseas visitor”. This means that you may be charged for the treatment you receive at the Trust

NHS hospitals have a legal obligation to establish whether a person is an overseas visitor, and whether charges apply or they have an exemption. Where there is no exemption, we must charge the person liable and recover the costs from them.


Establishing residency

Upon arrival at the Trust you will be asked to confirm how long you have lived in the United Kingdom and may be asked to complete a form and provide documents to prove that you are ordinarily resident in the UK.

If you cannot provide documents you may have to pay a deposit equal to the estimated cost of your treatment before you have an appointment or treatment.

Maternity services, or treatment which the doctor or nurse think is immediately necessary or urgent, will not be withheld. However, charges will still apply and you will receive an invoice after your treatment.

A person does not become ordinarily resident in the UK simply by:

  • Having British nationality
  • Holding a British passport
  • Being registered with a GP
  • Having an NHS number
  • Owning property in the UK
  • Having paid (or are currently paying) National Insurance contributions and taxes in this country

Whether a person is ordinarily resident is a question of fact, for which a number of factors are taken into account.


Further information

If you have any concerns or need more information, please contact the Overseas Visitors Manager on +44 (0) 1704 704844 or email

You can find more information on the NHS website.


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