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The epilepsy service covers West Lancashire, Sefton as well as adjoining areas. The team consists of a paediatric consultant with expertise in epilepsy and a paediatric epilepsy specialist nurse.

At present the specialist nurse covers the West Lancashire area and we are working on achieving this provision for the other areas.

There is a weekly epilepsy clinic on Tuesday morning and alternate weekly epilepsy clinic on Wednesday morning. There are also intermittent joint neurology clinics for children with complex epilepsy held in in Ormskirk  hospital, allowing specialist care including inpatient admission and outpatient follow up closer to home.

Service includes:

  • Assessment and management of children and young people with concerns of epilepsy.
  • Support and care for children and their families following diagnosis of epilepsy up until the resolution or transfer to adult services.
  • Family training in use of medications and emergency management of seizures
  • Advice about epilepsy and how it impacts on lifestyle issues, such as education, driving, etc
  • Educational support for carers at home and at school.
  • Apart from regular out-patient clinics, telephone advice and phone consultations are also offered by the consultant and the specialist nurse.


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