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Antenatal care

Our community midwifery teams offer a full range of antenatal services, parent education, aquanatal, birthing at home and postnatal care.

You can either be referred by your GP or self-refer for maternity care. Following this the community midwife will usually be the first person you meet along your pregnancy journey. She will complete your booking appointment taking all your history and planning your personalised care pathway.

Apart from your scans – which take place at the hospital – the remainder of your antenatal care will be with either the community midwife or shared with the obstetrician at the hospital according to your needs.

Community midwife antenatal clinics are held in GP surgeries or health centres and children’s centres. Each GP has an allocated midwife to try to ensure continuity during your pregnancy and postnatal period.

The community midwifery service also provides a 24-hour on call service to support women who wish to have their baby at home.  Please speak to your community midwife to discuss this further.

There are three teams of community midwives who between them cover West Lancashire, Sefton and out of area. They can be reached on the following numbers usually between 4pm and 5pm every day (you can leave a message outside these hours):

  • Ormskirk 01695 656668
  • Southport 01704 704513
  • Sapphire Team (Out of area): 01695 656260


Labour concerns

I'm concerned about my baby's health

During your pregnancy you may experience concerns which require you to seek the advice of a midwife outside of your planned clinic appointments.

Our triage service provides dedicated midwives 24 hours per day to provide advice and support. The telephone number to call to access the triage service is 01695 656604. 

When you phone you will be asked questions about your pregnancy and the reasons for your call, it may be helpful to have your hand held records available at this time.

Once the triage midwife has all the relevant information she will advise you of what you need to do next. This could be:

  • Advice and reassurance that all appears well at this time and you do not need to be physically assessed. She may also make some recommendations of actions you can take yourself and also advise you to call again if you remain concerned
  • Advise you to attend the triage assessment area within a specified time frame
  • Advise you to attend either delivery suite or the triage area for immediate assessment
  • Advise you that you need emergency admission to delivery suite and that she will contact the emergency services for a paramedic ambulance to attend your location

Clinics led by doctors for your baby


Other specialist clinics. These may occur alongside general clinics and include mental health, vaginal birth after Caesarean section, multiple pregnancy and postnatal perineal care.

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