Adult Ophthalmology
The Service
- Adult eye injury, infection, inflammation
- Cataract surgical patients- Surgery plus pre and post operative assessments
- Consultants / Service Leads
Consultants for Adult Ophthalmology
- Mrs A Garrick- Consultant Ophthalmologist & Clinical lead for Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, OPT, CESR Lead, Mersey deanery
- Mr G Ozuzu- Consultant Ophthalmologist, College tutor for Ophthalmology
- Miss L McCloskey – Consultant Ophthalmologist
Service leads
- Karen Knowles- Head of Orthoptics and Optometry
- Virginia Hill- Senior Sister- Ophthalmology
- Andrew O'Brien – Directorate Manager for Ophthalmology
- Diane Bradley- Jones – Operational Service Manager (OSM) Ophthalmology
- Optometry / Orthoptics
Contact number: 01704 705227 (reception desk) or 01704 704969 (optometry office- 24 hr answer machine) or 01695 656203 (reception desk Ormskirk)
Optometry Staff
- Columba Scallan
- Anthony Hanlon
Contact: 01704 705227 (reception desk) or 01704 705213 (Southport office- 24 hr answer machine) or 01695 65990 (ormskirk Office- 24hr answer machine)
Orthoptic Staff
- Karen Knowles
- Claire Gordon
- Tracy Yapp
- Nicola Walsh
- Sean Gallagher
- Naeela Malik
ECLO – Eye Care Liaison Officer
Contact: 01704 705227 (reception desk Southport) or 01695 656203 (reception desk Ormskirk)
ECLO staff
- Nicola Savage
Contact - Tel: 07542 029706 Email:
Ophthalmic Technicians
Contact: 01704 705227 (reception desk Southport) or 01695 656203 (reception desk Ormskirk)
Ophthalmic Technician Staff
- Yvonne Sephton
- Fiona Unsworth
- Karen Eatough
- Contacts
Ophthalmology Secretary team- 01695 656040
Ormskirk Eye clinic reception- 01695 656203
Southport Eye clinic reception – 01704 705227
Emergency Eye clinic – 01704 705219
- Useful links