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Muted Vibrant

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What should patients expect

For patients to get the most out of their rehabilitation programme, it is necessary for patients to put their best efforts in.

That’s why we set high standards and goals and expect full patient participation.

There is an important distinction to be made between being ill – which after the initial phase of treatment most patients are not – and needing rehabilitation following a serious injury.

The model of care for acute medical needs is different to rehabilitation.

In an acute medical model. patients are taken care of whereas the purpose of the rehabilitation process is to teach patients and families to take care of themselves.

Patients are encouraged to have input into their programmes and schedules, but it is expected that patients will follow physician and treatment orders, adhere to treatment schedules, comply with educational requirements, participate in outings, and take the fullest advantage of all the resources we have to offer.

The centre operates a Partnership Agreement approach for the benefit of all patients and staff.

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