Paediatric Ophthalmology
The Service
- Experts in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a variety of eye problems and eye movement disorders from birth onwards e.g. vision testing, lazy eye, squint, focusing difficulties, double vision and glasses wear.
- Assessment of how the eyes work together as a pair (binocular function). Treatment plans e.g. glasses, patching, exercises and possible surgical intervention.
- Assessment of vision problems in children with additional needs
- Specific learning difficulties with reading – visual processing assessment and advice clinics
- Paediatric eye injury, infection, inflammation
- Consultants / Service Leads
Dr Lesley Kaye Associate Specialist in Ophthalmology – Paediatric lead
Karen Knowles Head of Orthoptics and Optometry
- Optometry / Orthoptics
Optometry – Paediatrics
Contact number: 01704 705227 (reception desk) or 01704 704969 (optometry office- 24 hr answer machine) or 01695 656203 (reception desk Ormskirk)
Optometry Staff
- Columba Scallan
- Anthony Hanlon
Orthoptics – Paediatrics
Contact: 01704 705227 (reception desk) or 01704 705213 (Southport office- 24 hr answer machine) or 01695 65990 (ormskirk Office- 24hr answer machine)
Orthoptic Staff
- Karen Knowles
- Claire Gordon
- Tracy Yapp
- Nicola Walsh
- Sean Gallagher
- Naeela Malik
ECLO – Eye Care Liaison Officer
Contact: 01704 705227 (reception desk Southport) or 01695 656203 (reception desk Ormskirk)
ECLO staff
- Nicola Savage
Contact - Tel: 07542 029706 Email:
Ophthalmic Technicians
Contact: 01704 705227 (reception desk Southport) or 01695 656203 (reception desk Ormskirk)
Ophthalmic Technician Staff
- Yvonne Sephton
- Fiona Unsworth
- Karen Eatough
- Contacts
Ophthalmology secretary team – 01695 656040
Paediatric doctor and orthoptist linked clinic: 01695 656294
Orthoptic department – Ormskirk: 01695 656690
Orthoptic department – Southport: 01704 705213
- Additional Information
Joint paediatric orthoptist and ophthalmologist clinics and appointments offered Monday to Wednesday at Ormskirk paediatric outpatient department. Early evening clinics offered on Monday & Tuesdays.
Orthoptic follow up clinics are held at Southport and Ormskirk hospitals, and some health centres in north Sefton and West Lancashire
Optometry follow up appointments are available at both hospitals.
- Referral Method
- GP referral
- Optician (via GP)
- School nurse/Health visitor
- Paediatrician
- Paediatric A&E
- Useful Links