We are pleased to offer our hypnobirthing course which is taught by experienced midwives.
Hypnobirthing aims to release any fears there may be around birth and in turn this will assist a positive birth experience.
This complete antenatal training programme explains how the body, mind and essential hormones all work together making labour more efficient for you and your baby.
You will learn how to access a state of calm and deep relaxation using a combination of breathing techniques, visualisations, massage, calming gentle relaxation exercises, positive affirmations, guided relaxations and various other techniques.
The course teaches you and your birth partner the tools needed to make fully informed choices about your care. It also explains the importance of birth partners and how they can take an active role during the birth.
We are enjoying remarkable feedback from those that have attended the course and used hypnobirthing during their labour:
“The course made me feel confident that my body and my baby will know what to do during labour and to trust my instincts. Overall, I would say I started the course feeling anxious and unsure about the birth process, but I am now excited for the day and to meet our little one. Feelings of anxiety have lessened massively and I know I will be able to cope now.”
“The course provided us with in-depth details about labour and the birth so we are more aware of what to expect. It gave us lots of great ideas and techniques of how to prepare for it and how to think of it positively, whilst reducing fears. It was also helpful to know how the birth partner can actively help and what to do when labour begins to allow it to be as smooth and easy as possible.”
“We thought it might be intimidating doing the course online but it was very relaxed and enjoyable so thank you so much. I will definitely be able to use the techniques learnt during labour and now feel less anxious as I know what to expect.”
“Very empowering course.”
“We loved the course, it has provided me with focus and positivity.”
“Myself and my partner found it very useful and he feels more involved and informed about the labour now and I feel confident he will be able to support me through it. The course has made me feel calm and prepared for labour.”
“I honestly cannot thank you both enough I went from being a mess and terrified of birth to feeling so confident and in control from when I started the induction process until I was holding our baby. The course was so much fun and we got so much out of it so thank you from the bottom of our hearts!” ‘
‘This course is amazing, my husband and I both believe completing the course solely dictated our birth experience. Following the course we continued with practicing all the techniques and when the day arrived when labour started we both felt calm and relaxed. Understanding how my body, mind and the hormones were all working tgether really helped my labour, having this knowledge really was power. We felt confident to discuss alternative options when things didn’t go 100% to ‘plan’. I genuinely am so excited to experience labour again one day!!’
For further information please email soh-tr.hypnobirthing@merseywestlancs.nhs.uk