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Antenatal classes

All women booked to have their baby at Ormskirk hospital are welcome to attend our midwife-led parent education classes, supported by The Real Birth Company Education Package. 

We offer 3x 2 hour sessions at our Southport and Ormskirk sites, on a Monday and Thursday evening, or in the community (Skelmersdale) on a Tuesday morning. The course can also be accessed online for those who do not wish to attend in person.

The sessions will give you practical information, advice and support to help you prepare for the birth of your baby.

For further information or to book please contact your named community midwife or the community midwives office on 01695 656668 (Ormskirk) or 01704 704513 (Southport).

You can also access an informative 30 minute Antenatal Infant feeding session from Lancashire Infant Feeding Team. There is also a full Antenatal Infant Feeding Workshop (73 minutes): Healthier Lancs and South Cumbria :: Preparing for birth and parenthood (


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