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Car Parking

Parking is limited at out hospitals, so allow plenty of time to reach your appointment. Consider using other methods of transport where appropriate. Further help can be found below:


UK Parking Control Ltd (UKPC) patrols our car parks to prevent thoughtless and dangerous parking. The company issues fixed penalty notices to drivers who, for example,  park in Blue Badge spaces they are not entitled to, park on pavements and double yellow lines, or block access to essential clinical services and emergency services such as ambulances and fire engines.

All the income received from parking is used to improve a range of patient services provided by the Trust.

The Trust makes no money from penalty notice income which instead funds UKPC’s management costs.

I have been issued with a penalty notice. What should I do?

The Trust is unable to resolve appeals against fixed penalty notices. All information about appeals can be found on UK Parking Control penalty notice. In certain circumstance UKPC may contact the Trust for information before deciding whether or not to uphold the appeal.

Further information about what to do if you appeal has been unsuccessful can be found at Popla, the Parking of Private Land Appeals service.

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