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Shaping Care Together: we are listening

Health leaders in Southport, Formby and West Lancashire have been listening to the views of patients, staff and the public about their views and experiences of local health and care over the last two months and have learned a great deal about what works well and what could be improved.

Shaping Care Together is led by a partnership of NHS organisations: Southport and Ormskirk NHS Hospital Trust, NHS Southport and Formby CCG and NHS West Lancashire CCG. These organisations are working together to look at the challenges currently faced by health and care in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, financial pressures and the growing demand for NHS services in and out of hospital.

We have been inviting people to share their feedback through online events, surveys and conversations and I have been delighted by the positive things people have said about the NHS staff who work so hard and the services they have delivered in these challenging times. However, we have also heard about the things we can build on to make sure that health and care meets our needs now and into the future.

Early findings from the review reveal that people wanted to give feedback about their GP practice, hospital and community based services. There have been many positive experiences of online consultations with GPs and hospital care but some expressed concerns that they don’t want this to become normalised in the future. There was overwhelming goodwill towards the NHS and the work being done to address the pandemic.

Of the surveys completed alongside online discussion groups and one to one telephone interviews many people talked about the importance of placing the patient at the centre of service delivery and that services need to be planned around the patient journey.

A recurring theme was the need to support people to prevent ill health and to help them to manage their conditions. There was felt to be room for improvement in the differences in care across the geography and that the hospital buildings had seen better days. Participants did however recognise the funding challenges facing the NHS.

The programme will now look at the things people said in more depth and will then start to develop potential solutions to areas for improvement identified by local people and clinicians.

The survey is open until 31 July 2021 and there are reply paid forms available at some local vaccination centres, so it’s not too late to get involved.

To take part, visit the interactive engagement site If you would prefer to speak to someone or require information in a different format or language, please call 01695 588025.

Feedback Form