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Hospital garden tribute to late NHS staff member who was a “ray of sunshine’’

A Sundial has been added to the Garden of Reflection at Southport and Formby District General Hospital in memory of a former member of staff.

Nell Draper, from Burscough, worked as a Senior Therapy Assistant with the stroke team at the hospital for many years before her death in 2018.

Described as a “ray of sunshine’’ by her colleagues, members of her team, and previous colleagues who knew her, Trust staff came together to buy a sundial to be displayed as a fitting and permanent reminder of Nell.

Unfortunately, due to Covid and some ongoing changes to the stroke unit the sundial was placed in storage.

But this week the sundial was formally installed in the garden by Nell’s friend and colleague Heather Duff, Stroke Clinical Therapy Manager, and members of the Stroke Team.

Heather said: “This is my final week at the Trust after more than 20 years and the leaving present I wanted most was to see the memorial to Nell finally in place.

“She was an amazing person, and the sundial is a fitting memory to her as she was a true ray of light for everyone.

“She will always be in our hearts and we all still miss her.’’

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