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Time to Shine Awards recognise our wonderful staff

Staff from across the Trust were recognised at the 2022 Time to Shine Awards.

After holding virtual award celebrations throughout the pandemic, staff from the Trust were finally able to attend a much-deserved awards ceremony at Formby Hall.

Almost 200 members of staff gathered to recognise the enormous difference our NHS heroes have made to the lives of their many patients and the local community over the past two years with awards being presented to staff from all areas of the Trust.

Chief Executive, Ann Marr OBE, said: “As we emerge from such a challenging time, we are delighted that once again patients and their families have the opportunity to recognise the excellent care they receive at our Trust.

“I’m so very proud of every member of our team, and it is extremely important for them to know that their compassion, courage, and commitment is never taken for granted by the people they serve.

“Congratulations to all of the winners.”

This year’s event had a Special Recognition Award for the first time which went to the Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Team for always going above and beyond for the sake of patients in hospital and their families at their biggest time of need..

This team consists of chaplains from all religions as well as Spiritual Ambassadors who provide support on most wards and departments in the Trust. They are a hugely respected team who provide a vital service and were amazing during the Covid pandemic, offering crucial comfort and pastoral care to many patients and their families, including many who were at the end of their lives.

The full list of winners was:

Special Recognition Award 

  • Winner: Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Team

Clinical Team of The Year 

  • Winner: Stroke Unit, Ward 15B

Highly Commended: Frailty Team and Endoscopy Unit

Non-Clinical Team of The Year

  • Integrated Governance Team

Highly Commended: Catering Team and Library Services

Compassion in Action Award 

  • Winner: Angie Westwood, Matron, Critical Care Unit

Highly commended: Nina Mallorca, Ward Manager, Ward 15A and Joanne Unsworth, Lead Bereavement Midwife, Maternity Unit

Everyday Excellence Award 

  • Winner: Erica Isherwood, Clinical Educator

Highly Commended: Harry Cook, Project Manager, Estates and Facilities and PALS team

Quality Improvement & Innovation Award

  • Winner: Frail, Elderly, Short-Stay Team (FESS), Ward 10a

Highly Commended: Quality Matrons and Philippa Marr, Falls Lead

Learner of the Year 

  • Winner: Daniel Phiri, Assistant Practitioner, Medical and Surgical Therapy Team

Highly Commended: Kristie Barton, Administration Apprentice, Reception and Monalisa Tesfahunay, Student Nurse, Discharge Lounge

Volunteer of the Year

  • Winner: Gardening Team

Highly Commended: Robert Eggo, Emergency Department and Lynn Smith, Medical Day Unit

People’s Health Hero Award

  • Winner: Emergency Department

Highly Commended: Discharge Lounge and Dr Vicki Nesbitt, Consultant, Paediatrics Department

Clinical Mentor of the Year 

  • Winner: Dr Krishnan Gokul – Associate Specialist, General Surgery

Highly Commended: Laeanda Hibbott, Practice Education Facilitator and Jane Hughes, Practice Education Facilitator

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