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Conclusion of disciplinary investigation following whistleblowing complaints

In response to three whistleblowing complaints made to Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, and following an independent, external investigation by the Good Governance Institute, it was necessary to exclude three senior executives and one other employee.

In line with the relevant policies, an independent disciplinary investigation was then commissioned by the Trust.

That independent disciplinary investigation into serious conduct issues has now concluded and has identified that there is a case to answer for three individuals.

Disciplinary hearings will now be arranged as soon as possible.

In respect of one member of staff who had been excluded, the investigation found no case to answer, and arrangements will now be made for that individual to return to work.

No aspect of the whistleblowing complaints or disciplinary investigation related to issues of patient care or safety.

Sue Musson, Chair of the Trust said: “This is a serious employment issue for the Trust and will have been a very difficult time for the individuals concerned. I am pleased that the necessarily lengthy and diligent investigation into the complex matters involved has now concluded.

“Throughout this process, the Trust has adhered to the appropriate policies to ensure fairness while acknowledging the legitimate public interest in the timescale and costs involved. The Trust’s priority is and remains providing quality healthcare to the 258,000 people we serve across Southport, Formby and West Lancashire.”

The Trust will be unable to comment further until the conclusion of the disciplinary hearings.

Issued by Tony Ellis, Marketing and Communications Manager
Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

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