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Statement: CQC Chief Inspector of Hospitals inspection

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) confirmed significant improvements today in services it highlighted during an inspection of the Trust in April.

The North West Regional Spinal Injuries Unit at Southport hospital improved two levels from Inadequate to Good with some aspects of outstanding practice. Inspectors also noted improvements the maternity service had made at Ormskirk hospital, rating it Requires Improvement. It was previously rated Inadequate.

Overall the Trust remains rated Requires Improvement, the same as the majority of trusts the CQC inspects.

The report noted concerns in the safety and quality of some services, particularly in the emergency department and surgery at Southport hospital.

Rob Gillies, Executive Medical Director, said: “When the CQC fed back to the Executive Team at the end of their inspection they said the Trust possessed ‘committed, compassionate, and passionate staff who are willing to go above and beyond to do their best for patients’.

“We are delighted to see this confirmed by a Good rating for caring. It is particular tribute to our staff in the difficult and challenging environment they work in.”

Responding to the rating of A&E and surgical services at Southport, Mr Gillies said significant progress had been made on the issues the inspectors raised seven months ago.

“A&E is now a very different department. We have benefitted from external support and put in resources of our own, including an extra £600,000 for nurses staffing.

“This has contributed to a major improvement with the department regularly the best performer in Cheshire and Merseyside and consistently among the top performers in the country,” he said.

Issued by Tony Ellis, Marketing and Communications Manager
Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

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Notes for editors

1. Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust manages Southport and Formby District General Hospital and Ormskirk and District General Hospital, and is responsible for many community healthcare services for adults in Southport, Formby and West Lancashire. We also provide sexual health services across the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton. The North West Regional Spinal Injuries is hosted by the Trust from Southport hospital.

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