Find out how local services can support you, seek advice from experts, gather relevant information and make useful contacts. If you live in Sefton, Formby or West Lancashire, this open day will have all the information you and your loved ones need when facing some of the challenges that come with age.
Meg Langley, Head of Older People’s Care, explains: “We serve a community here which is older than the national average. Because of this, we are working hard to make sure our services are designed to support our patients and to ensure that people are aware of and able to access beneficial support.
“We aim to help people to live well at home. Our Older People’s Day should provide help and guidance to make that happen for as many local people as possible.
“Hopefully, lots of people come along and manage to take home something useful, and have an enjoyable few hours meeting the teams here!”
On the day, visitors can expect to meet over forty local services for Sefton, Formby and West Lancashire. These include hospital based teams and services, Macmillan, Home Instead, Wiltshire Farmfoods, Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK, befriending schemes, ambulance services, fire safety, Queens Court Hospice, Healthwatch, Foodbank, lunch and leisure clubs, sexual health, active lifestyles, a variety of care and support providers, and community services.
To find out more, contact Meg Langley on 01704 704933 or email