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Menopause… drop in for a chat

Menopause experts are offering locals the chance to drop in for a free advice session later this month. Led by Southport and Ormskirk hospitals consultant Dr Paula Briggs, the team will provide up to date information about treatment options and alternative strategies for coping.

Alongside Dr Briggs will be a specialist nurse and physiotherapist, mindfulness expert/ yoga teacher, Pilates teacher and “expert patients”. Small group discussions will be possible following a series of very brief presentations. A recently published booklet, written by Dr. Briggs, will be given to all those who attend. The booklet pulls together the latest advice for women experiencing the menopause.

Menopause experts are offering locals the chance to drop in for a free advice session later this month. Led by Southport and Ormskirk hospitals consultant Dr Paula Briggs, the team will provide up to date information about treatment options and alternative strategies for coping.

Dr Briggs explains: “We know that this can be a difficult time of life for women and their families. Our recent researched suggested that women are experiencing a serious impact up to 20 days each month. A worrying 50 per cent said they tended to spend more time alone, and over 80 per cent were avoiding sex. This has a serious impact on relationships with 75 per cent admitting it has caused problems.
“Help is available, but many women wait years before seeking it out. Here at Southport hospital we have a menopause clinic, which women can attend with a GP referral. We want to raise awareness of the service.

“We hope that this cafe will help to provide women with the right information. Once they feel empowered, they can make good choices to ensure that they enjoy the best of health at this stage in life.”

Menopause Cafe takes place on Saturday 26 January, from 10:30 until 12 noon, in the Ruffwood suite at Ormskirk hospital. This is towards the rear of the hospital in the Education Centre.

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