Our Services A - Z - Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Service
About the service
The Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy service seeks to offer support to anyone who would find it helpful. We are non-judgmental and not just for religious people.
Time in hospital and illnesses raise a lot of issues for patients and their families. Our person-centred approach aims to offer anything from a listening ear and general spiritual support to appropriate religious services and rituals.
The team is based at the hospital and represents, or is in contact with, all the major faiths and church denominations. The team comprises priests, ministers and volunteers in a variety of capacities.
- Out of hours on-call service.
We offer a full out of hours on-call service for urgent lifechanging situations. The on-call service can be contacted via the hospital switchboard. For Roman Catholic patients there is usually an on-call priest available.
- Quiet and prayer rooms.
A room for prayer or quiet reflection is provided on both sites. At Southport you will find this room on the main corridor near A&E. At Ormskirk this is next to the WRVS shop. At both sites there is the facility for your prayers, prayer intentions or thoughts to be left. At Southport there is a staff Prayer Room with ablution facilities.
- Religious services.
There are regular prayers said at both sites. Holy Communion or other religious offices can be arranged by request and brought to the bedside or offered in the prayer and quiet rooms as appropriate. If you have a relative who has requested a bedside service please contact the chaplains on 01704 704639.
- Religious needs of patients.
This useful website, created by Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Network, describes the needs of patients from different religions.
- Pastoral Care for Roman Catholic Patients.
Holy Communion, Sacrament of the Sick, Confession and Pastoral visits are available for Roman Catholic Patients. To request a routine visit please contact the Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Office (01704 704639) or email soh-tr.chaplains@merseywestlancs.nhs.uk). In urgent situations a priest is usually available 24/7 via the hospital switchboard or the on call number available on each ward. Both Southport hospital and Ormskirk hospital have a priest chaplain who can be contacted via the Spiritual Care Office (01704 704639)
- Bereavement support.
We work closely with the Bereavement service and the Chaplaincy team can be called upon to offer support and advice to the bereaved.
- Links with local church and faith communities.
We enjoy good relationships with local churches and other faith communities. If a patient would like us to contact a church or local faith representative on their behalf, please let us know. Chaplains will not communicate with other members of faith communities without the permission of the patient.
- End of life support.
It is important that spiritual needs are recognised and addressed towards the end of life. As well as offering appropriate prayers, chaplains have particular skills in offering support and advice to patients and their families, carers and friends around the end of life.
- Gideon Bibles and other literature.
Gideon Bibles, or other Holy Books are available on request. These will be wrapped in film to comply with infection prevention procedures. Patients who open the Bible are asked to take the Bible home with them as a gift. If a patient would like a large print bible or any other holy book, please contact the chaplaincy office. Books of Christian prayers are also available on request.
Tel: 01704 704639 | Email: soh-tr.chaplains@merseywestlancs.nhs.uk
Page last updated on 07th January 2025