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Formerly Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

National Cancer Registry

If you are diagnosed with cancer or a condition that may lead to cancer, the team looking after you at the Trust will record information about you and the care you received. This applies to children and adults of all ages.

This information is shared with the National Cancer Registry, which is part of Public Health England.

The National Cancer Registry has the government’s permission to collect and use information about people with cancer. This is because it is in the public interest to use this information to improve the way cancer is diagnosed and treated.

The information collected on the Registry will include your name, date of birth, your sex and ethnic background, your address and NHS number, information about your diagnosis and treatment and how well your treatment is working. This information may be linked to other health information that Public Health England receive about you.

Cancer Registration leads to improvements in preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer.

Your information is kept confidential by those authorised to access it.

You have the right to opt out of cancer registration. This will not affect the care you receive from your healthcare team.

If you do not wish for your information to be included in the national cancer registry, you can contact Public Health England at or write to:

Director, National Cancer Registry

Public Health England

6th Floor, Wellington House

133-155 Waterloo Road

London, SE1 8UG

Further information can be found in the Public Health England Cancer Registration Leaflet

All information we hold about you is confidential. We will not release any information about you without your consent, except to other professionals involved in your care or in exceptional circumstances for instance when the health and safety of others is at risk, where there is a lawful basis to share the information or where the law requires information to be passed on.

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