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Formerly Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

Equality Delivery System

The Trust has implemented the Equality Delivery System (now EDS2) launched by the Department of Health in 2011. The EDS2 is a tool to drive up equality performance and embed equality into mainstream NHS business.

The EDS2 is a public commitment of how NHS organisations plan to meet the needs and wishes of local people and staff, and meet the duties placed on them by the Equality Act 2010.  It also sets out how they recognise the differences between people, and how they aim to make sure that any gaps and inequalities are identified and addressed. It is split into four measurable areas:

  • Better health outcomes
  • Improved patient access and experience
  • A representative and supported workforce
  • Inclusive leadership


Against these four areas there are a set of 18 outcomes.  These range from service quality to how staff, are managed in the Trust. 

The Trust is externally assessed by external organisations against the 18 outcomes and a EDS2 report and action plan is complied.

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