Stand Up to Racism, Be an Anti-Racism Ally!
Self-educate, proactively learn and grow your anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion knowledge.
- What is a Anti-Racism Ally?
An anti-racism ally is someone who actively supports and advocates for racial equality and justice, often using their privilege to challenge and dismantle racism. Being an ally goes beyond simply opposing racism; it involves taking intentional and sustained actions to confront and address both individual and systemic racism.
Key Aspects of Being an Anti-Racism Ally:
- Continually learning about the history and impact of racism, including the experiences of marginalised racial groups.
- Understanding the concepts of privilege, systemic racism, and intersectionality.
- Reflecting on one's own biases, privileges, and behaviours that may contribute to racism.
- Being open to feedback and willing to make personal changes.
- Listening to and amplifying the voices of people of colour, particularly those who are directly affected by racism.
- Valuing lived experiences and avoiding speaking over or for marginalized individuals.
- Speaking out against racist behaviours, language, and policies, even when it is uncomfortable or challenging.
- Supporting anti-racist policies and practices in personal, professional, and public spaces.
Taking Action:
- Engaging in actions that contribute to racial justice.
- Confronting racism when it occurs, whether in conversations, within institutions, or in policy-making processes.
Using Privilege:
- Leveraging one’s own social, economic, or political privilege to create opportunities for marginalised groups.
- Acting as an advocate in spaces where marginalised voices may not be heard or represented.
- Standing in solidarity with marginalised racial groups, supporting their struggles, and working alongside them to tackle racism.
- Understanding that being an ally is a continuous, lifelong commitment to racial justice, rather than a one-time act.
Why Being an Anti-Racism Ally Matters:
- Promotes Equity: Allies help create more equitable environments by challenging discriminatory practices and policies.
- Supports Marginalized Voices: Allies amplify the voices of those who have been historically marginalized, helping to bring attention to racial injustices.
- Fosters Change: By actively participating in anti-racist work, allies contribute to broader societal changes that can lead to the dismantling of systemic racism.
An anti-racism ally recognizes that fighting racism requires both awareness and action, and is committed to being part of the solution in creating a more just and inclusive society.
- What can I do?
Attend training courses, seminars and webinars on equality, racism and bias.
- Training: Complete Training sessions offered by MWL:
- Test your biases: Complete a Implicit Bias Association Test
- Get Reading: Start by reading books, articles, and essays by authors who write about racism, privilege, and social justice. Works like "How to Be an Antiracist" by Ibram X. Kendi or "Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race" by Reni Eddo-Lodge are good starting points.
- Engage in Events: How do you engage with Black History Month, Wear Red Day, Windrush Day or Race Equality Week? Attend events, read articles, share and promote with colleagues.
- Sign the Anti-Racism Pledge: Commit to being Anti-Racist everyday. Sign Here.
- Join the BAME Staff Networks
All staff from an ethnic minority community, as well as allies, are welcome to join the Trusts BAME Network. The network offers informal networking and peer support. Information about the network can be found on the respect S&O intranet.
Other Networks
- Anti-Racism Organisations
Here is a list of organisation to visit to find out more about anti-racism work, campaigns, research and more:
- Key Race Equality Dates and Events
How do you engage with this events? Organise an activity in your department, share events in team newsletters, attend an activity.
January World Religion Day January Holocaust Memorial Day February Race Equality Week March Zero Discrimination Day March Overseas NHS Workers Day March International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination April Stephen Lawrence Day May National Day for Staff Networks May NHS Equality & Human Rights Week May World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development June UK Windrush Day June African Oye (Liverpool) August International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples August South Asian Heritage Month August International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition September UK National Inclusion Week October Black History Month November Inter Faith Week November Anti-bullying Week December International Human Rights Day